The Missionshus in the Northern part of County Varmland

Missionhus, Sormark Sweden

The Missionshus is a wooden church and community house located in Sormark (16km West of Torsby and 15km away from the Norwegian border) that dates from 1880. From 1880 until the year 2000 the Missionshus has been a church and community house for the region. Gatherings and prayers were shared. From 2000 until approximately 2015 10-12 Swedish children were taught daily in the Missionshus. So there is special and sacred vibe, that's for sure! 

Impression video

Mission & Vision of the Missionshus

An epiphany.. early 2007.. I was going through some rough waters and went on a city trip to Oslo. At one point I ended up at the Nobel Peace Center. I was so impressed by all these life-stories.. I could feel their lives.. My life seemed to be in a difficult phase but what most of them had to endure! From that moment onwards I not only personally committed to the values of this Nobel Peace Price, but also started living and implementing it more and more. The Missionshus is a manifestation of this.


·       Be free, take a stand, be brave, live and let live, communicate, respect others, act, be happy, be patient and don’t lose faith' asking myself ‘what are you doing for peace’ almost on a daily basis. 


W  With the Missionshus I am creating a place where people can go to, run to, hide for a while, write or read a book, enjoy sports and nature, listen and make music, dance .. spend Q-time either alone or with a group. Always with the purpose to heal, co-create, recharge, laugh, have fun and share and / or inspire. A place where (my) deep desire to connect and share in energy as well as the physical can manifest. 


So, try to open up for connection and make the Missionshus a bit nicer, more functional, more creative, more inspirational and let Synchronicity guide you. Leave ‘her’ in a better state then how you found ‘her’. Some have handmade a couch, or painted, did gardening, donated curtains. This way the Missionshus grows, organically, like nature, like us.


My Mission is that Missionshus ‘runs itself’; energy-wise and money-wise. I see this as my gift to the Universe. I gave it a lot of Love, Light & Energy in all forms the last 7 years and now it is time that she flies.


My Bigger Vision or Soul's Desire is that we also connect globally with likeminded people and places. Form a network of spiritual sacred places and people to exchange energy and knowledge on a global scale. Where we not only uplift humanity and change the grid but also create opportunities to travel for those who are less fortunate in the material world.


I believe this is doable by spreading the right intentions and everyone helping out in this.  



To see what changed in the last 5 years in the Missionshus, please press the button below...